Unlock Revenue With My Exclusive MasterClass!

"Engage & Excel: Strategic Storytelling for Entrepreneurs"

Masterclass & Bonus Gift

Meet Your Instructor

I'm Ms V The Storyteller!

Thank you for taking the time to

generate more income into you business.


Hi, my name is Valeria better known as Ms. V The storyteller. I lost my voice at 6 years old and didn't get it back until I was twenty-three. I started sharing my personal stories with friends and co-workers and decided to turn them into a Podcast. My podcast birth Ms V The Storyteller, Speaker, Coach, & Author.

I believe stories educate, heal, free, and propel people into making new and better choices. Let me show you how to use the power of storytelling to bring more profit into your business or personal brand.

I have been :

* Speaker on Sparkle Talks. A Facebook Group for ladies

* Winner of the Grand Slam as a Storyteller on First Person Arts

* Storyteller for First Person Arts Story Slam

* Performed as a storyteller for Rising Stars a virtual
storytelling event for Black

* History Month in the United Kingdom.

* Performed as a storyteller for Mortified in Washington D.C at the Black Cat, and Creative
Alliance in Baltimore, MD

*Co-author to the book: Living In The Key of Joy

Engage & Excel: Stratgic Storytelling for Entrepreneurs

This Masterclass will:

*Identify the most compelling parts of your
fingerprint story.

*Find your Why and why it is important.

*Teach you to tell your story in a way that helps
you stand out from others in your field.

*Understand 5 key places to tell your story that
can attract more clients and generate more

*Build your confidence to boldly share your
story withour fear.

*Increase your revenue with ease.

A Bonus Gift Just for You!

As a Bonus gift for purchasing this class you will gaine access to two amazing podcast guest who appeared on my podcast. They shared their stories and how that experience transformed their lives. Each guest has a background in finances and share some amazing information.

You are in good financial company

Walli Miller, is a financial coach who works with millennials who feel overwhelmed by the thought of budgeting, saving, debt payoff and want to begin building wealth without sacrificing their lattes and brunches. She’s a millennial who spent her 20s living paycheck to paycheck and but her 30s figured out how to gain control of her finances. She went from an impulse shopper to an intentional spender and now is a 1st gen millionaire. Please listen, share, subscribe, follow, and support.

Walli Miller

Financial Coach

Veronica J. Rodgers is the CEO & Founder of Carnelian Wealth Solutions, a private wealth management firm that empowers women to transform their financial picture with advice beyond investments. She is a financial educator and advisor with over 20 years of experience within the financial services industry. Passionate about adding value to her clients’ daily lives, Veronica takes a holistic approach to wealth management, guiding her clients through planning strategies that best suit their individual needs. She coordinates all accessible resources to provide comprehensive financial planning in order to make sure each financial goal receives the attention that it deserves.

Veronica Rodgers

CEO & Founder of Carnelian Wealth Solutions